Sundays at 9AM
(except last Sunday of the month)
These backyard gatherings are all about connecting in community and conversations about life, faith, and being human. There's food, drinks, music, and activities for the kids. Join our mailing list and keep an eye on our socials for the locations.
Once a Quarter
These events are designed to be a gift for the community. Sometimes its a wine and conversation night. Sometimes its a music and message night. Sometimes it is an awesome party. And sometimes its just dinner and community. But its always a [good] time that is open to all.
Last Sunday of the Month
DIY Sunday is when we invite you to "do church" wherever you are with your loved ones. We don't meet on these Sundays so you can have some intentional time with your loved ones experiencing faith wherever you are. We send out some thoughts and discussion questions via email and you take it from there!
We believe the best moments of life happen together. So we host community parties, speaking events, home gatherings, and music nights all designed to create [space] for people to experience [good] food, [good] conversation, [good] community, and the Uncommonly [good] God behind everything.
It’s the goodness we were created for!
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